Drastically Reduce
Auction and Estate Sale Preparation
Capture all your auction photos and lot details quickly and easily for online auction and estate sales.
Works on any mobile device or also your PC or Mac.
$ave Time and Money
Our app makes capturing photos for online auctions and estate sales simple and easy. The app is free to use and only billable upon export of photos and related auction data.
Save hours capturing lot photos
Unlimited Auctions at any time
Share with auction staff to work as a team on one or more auctions
Take photos in advance or as you go
Expand your business by encouraging customers/consignors to capture their own lot photos and descriptions
“Watch” the progress of the auctions as they are captured and edit if needed
Pay as you go when auction is exported. No subscription or per user fees.
Upload to your online auction site.
Custom exports available - Email Us
Consignors (Sellers)
Save money by capturing your own auction photos and descriptions
Invite friends/family to help
iPhone, Android, iPad and other mobile devices all work
Invite your Auctioneer to view your progress and give pointers
Estate sales, Weekend Warriors, Pickers.
Unlimited auctions and lots.
Professional Estate Sale Companies - capture sale items to post to website
Antique malls for clearing merchandise
Export auction(s) when complete and forward to your Auctioneer of Record
Designed by an Auctioneer for Auctioneers and Their Customers
Couchbidder Mobile is designed for use by Auctioneers, One-Time Sellers, Professional Estate Sale companies and Ongoing Buy-Sell Consignors
Texas-based Auctioneer Jody Kalmbach and his team, had a vision for an mobile application that would allow virtually anyone to capture lot photos and descriptions in a fast, simple and easy way. So, we built it! Couchbidder Mobile is designed to allow one person or a team to work together to quickly take photos, add descriptions and other lot or auction info. Once complete, the auction lots and photos are exported so that they can be uploaded to online auction platforms for auctions, web sites and estate sales as needed.
Get Started!
Couchbidder Mobile is FREE to download and use. Only $1 per lot is charged at the time that you export your auction (up to 5 photos per lot). There is no limit to the number of auctions or the number of lots per auction. You may invite as many friends, family, staff or team members to load up the app and assist at no extra charge.
We want to hear from you!
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© 2021 by Blue Ocean Auctions LLC